Sunday, February 14, 2010

Incarnation of Sree Raghavendra

The father then angrily demanded of him to say where Lord Hari is present ;

The boy instantly replied;

"Donot dought the presence of the Lord in one place or another.Chakri (the

bearer of the wheel Vishnu) is present wherever you seek him in the world"

In the end, Hiranyakasipu subjected prahlada to many cruel tortures inthe hope

of making him giveup his devotion to Lord Vishnu.He caused the boy to be

trampled over by elephants.He had the boy thrown down the slopes of mountains,immersed in the ocean ,cast into a blazing fire ,bitten by venomous

serpants and even made him partake of a cup of the vilest poison.Prahlada came out unscathed and undeterred,because of his abiding and unflinching

faith in Lord Vishnu.

In utter disgust ,hiranyakasipu called his son and demanded of him to show his

god,whome he had descibed omnipresent,in an adjacent pillar.Prahlada humbly

but firmly agreed to do so .In his inveterato anger and arrogance,Hiranyakasipu

struck the pillar with his mace .Instantaneously Lord Hari emerged from the

pillar, in the manifestation of the man -lion;

"Satyam vidhatum nijabhritya bhashitam"


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